Ghost Stories, Horror & Supernatural

Bob Cranmer
True account of a demonic house possession near Pittsburgh, PA

…. the family began experiencing strange phenomena—objects moving on their own, ghostly footsteps, unsettling moaning sounds—that gradually increased in violence, escalating to physical assaults and, most disturbingly, bleeding walls.

In Covinathe first explosive book in the Arrowhead Chronicles, Dana Leigh, blazes a new frontier with an edge-of-your-seat supernatural thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Steven LaChance gains access to a secret location that plays a crucial role in the story, he sheds new light on how the exorcism’s bizarre aftermath continues to haunt the city of St. Louis and the Catholic Church to this day.

In this true and terrifying firsthand account, Steven LaChance reveals how he and his three children were driven from their Union, Missouri, home by demonic attackers. 

As malevolent forces continue their relentless assaults, Steven and his close-knit community fight for their sanity and their lives. Blessed Are the Wicked is one man’s account of the repressed horror and pain that nearly tore his world apart.

Mike Stevenson - Demonologist - discusses true exorcism cases with The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast
Mike Herman Stevenson — Paranormal Investigator, Scientist and Author

A collection of short stories that involve strange or unexplained occurrences of ghost and apparitions. Michael Herman Stevenson has devoted his life to a scientific understanding of spirit activity. Click on the graphic above to find out more about this hidden gem of a book!

Tales of werewolves, apparitions, vampires and other creatures that have entered the generous imagination of Ronald L Murphy

Ravencrest Manor is the most beautiful thing new governess, Belinda Moorland, has ever seen, but as she learns more about its tangled past of romance and terror, she realizes that beauty has a dark side. 

Tamara Thorne -- author of The Cliffhouse Haunting and dozens of other horror novels, discusses what inspires her to write horror stories.

Click here to see more horror novels by Tamara Thorne

A podcast for paranormal enthusiasts interested in mysteries, ghost hunting and all things unexplained …