Creatures & Folklore

Robert Bitto — Host of the Mexico Unexplained podcast

Many Americans do not know that a whole other world exists right across their southern border. This book examines the magic, the mysteries and the miracles of Mexico and covers such topics as ancient mysteries, myths and legends, religious curiosities, bizarre history, legendary creatures and otherworldly phenomena

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Ronald Murphy loves exploring the mysterious phenomena happening in Western Pennsylvania. The small towns and untamed wilderness known as the Chestnut Ridge host an assortment of cryptids and creatures that have baffled all known means of debunking and classification. Ron is a passionate curator of the unexplained.

~ Eric Altman ~
Bigfoot Researcher, Cryptozoologist, Field Investigator
Click Here to learn more and preview this movie

The terrifying, true story of Pennsylvania’s “Chestnut Ridge”. A mountain range where decades of reports of bizarre happenings have been reported. Beginning with the Kecksburg UFO crash, and tracking stories of Bigfoot, prehistoric birds, strange dog-like creatures and much more. From the director of The Mothman of Point Pleasant comes this truly frightening glimpse into the unbelievable-but-true.

A podcast for paranormal enthusiasts interested in mysteries, ghost hunting and all things unexplained …